Accepting Guest Posts

If you want to become a contributor and reach out to our audience at, please send in your post by email at [email protected]. This is a great chance for you to boost your branding by getting your guest-post published on our site as a guest-writer.

We accept guest posts in the following domains: spirituality, meditation, reiki-healing, numerology, astrology, energy healing, self-development, gemstones and crystals.

Contributor Guidelines:

  1. Article should have unique content that has not been published anywhere.
  2. Article should not be AI-generated.
  3. Submissions should be sent in .doc or .docx format.
  4. You can include a short author-bio along with the post along with your social media handle links (optional).
  5. Your article should be in one of the domains listed above. Please mention the name of the domain while sending the article.
  6. A do-follow backlink is only available for guest post.
  7. Paid guest posts can have a maximum of 1800 words in the post. For guest posting, please email at [email protected].