Best Youtube ASMR Reiki Channels | What is ASMR Reki?

Have you heard or seen the term ASMR Reiki before, but never knew what it actually means? Do you want to know what is ASMR Reiki?

In this article that you are about to read, I have explained everything you need to know about ASMR Reiki in one place.

First, we introduce you to the meaning of ASMR Reiki, followed by the benefits of ASMR Reiki. After that, we provide you several other detailed information on ASMR Reiki (suspense!!! you need to read the article to know what those topics and information are) and finally end the article with the 5 best Youtube ASMR Reiki channels that you can follow, to experience and know about ASMR Reiki.

So, avoiding any further delay, let’s embark on the journey to know all about ASMR Reiki.

What does ASMR Reiki mean?

ASMR Reiki means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It is associated with Reiki healing practice that has the same purpose of making you relax and calm.

As Reiki has been involved with spirituality, and people from many regions have taken the most out of it for decades, Reiki is considered an effective way to block out all the negativity from life by using hand positions and having a healthy appearance.

But, the ASMR Reiki is a new version of Reiki healing and not decades old. Even so, people are getting interested in such practices and gradually the benefits are coming into their lives.

During the practice of ASMR Reiki healing, practitioners employ tingling sensations that travel from the scalp to the middle of the head and eventually to the neck. This results in positive impacts on our cognitive functions and helps us to become relaxed.

If you want to give it a try, you may find usages of hand movements with bland voices during practice.

Now, that you have taken a sneak peek at the meaning of ASMR Reiki healing, it is the right time for you know its benefits.

Benefits of ASMR Reiki Healing

One of the biggest benefits of Reiki ASMR is it can let you have a deep sleep. In other words, sleeping disorders are the main target of this healing method.

Besides that, you can develop a quality to focus on one thing for a long time, this is specifically important for the sake of studying or preparing for exams.

Having a serene and calm mind is indicative of a person having aspirations and intelligence. Such a person can also open up ways to think profoundly and not make bad decisions.

Since science is not yet developed to the extent that it can connect to spirituality or analyze the effects of healing practice on our body physically and mentally. Hence, we are not able to know the involvement of chemicals or hormones during healing practice too.

However, there is a lot of evidence that says ASMR helps in improving overall mental and physical health, even emotional issues can also be overcome.

Can you use Reiki ASMR?

Fortunately, no matter what your age, gender, and situation are, if you want, you can use ASMR Reiki and make it your daily routine.

If you are someone who is young, stress and anxiety can be the biggest enemies of your life that you can cure by practising this form of reiki healing.

Additionally, as I said, teenagers, girls, or boys can also get the strength to perform better in studies and physical aspects of life.

What are the Misconceptions people have about Reiki ASMR?

The main misconception about Reiki ASMR is, that people think it’s a way to entertain themselves just by watching ASMR videos on YouTube.

But the truth is, this healing process is far ahead from just consuming video content.

The ASMR Reiki wants you to find your own path to practice, meditate, and keep in a calm and relaxed state. If you have to go through the pain and stress of work pressure, pressure of study, or responsibility, this antidote can take these drawbacks away from you and put you in a happy condition.

Who is the creator of ASMR Reiki?

The word ASMR was first created by Jennifer Allen in 2010, who was in a forum (online questioning and answering spot). And further, the name of ASMR healing was introduced to the world through Facebook groups.

Can ASMR Reiki help with medical conditions?

Yes, numerous people and many ASMR practitioners claim that they overcame sleeplessness, emotional imbalance, and physical and mental pain.

But, there’s no scientific clue to prove how these processes happen.

Can you experience ASMR Reiki?

The straightforward answer to this question is ‘No’. It’s entirely dependent on you. If it’s possible for someone to experience ASMR, it doesn’t mean that you will also be able to do so.

It’s associated with a few feelings and sensations that can not fit in the edges of your capacity. This is obvious for the majority of people and if you cannot sense the process you should not have to force yourself to do so.

If you are eager to know the techniques involved in these practices, here is an overview:

  • Practicing by towels
  • Rain method
  • Rubbing hairs through the hand
  • Slow practicing
  • Sound tapping or catching
  • Lip reading
  • Energy pulling

Why do people prefer using ASMR Reiki?

You might know that release from sadness, pain and craving to please oneself are some of the common desires that most people want in their lives. Since ASMR can bring all these things together, how can someone dislike it?

For me, morning and evening are the times I like to perform the ASMR Reiki healing. And eventually, I get more relaxed, happy, and calm as compared to before.

What are the best YouTube ASMR Reiki channels or videos to watch?

Youtube videos can be a great resource to help you start with the journey of ASMR Reiki (after reading this blog post of course) and help you overcome negative impacts in life.

Given below are some of the best and popular ASMR Reiki channels that can help you practise or learn ASMR Reiki.

5. Neil Cooper

Neil Cooper is a Reiki Master himself and had humble beginnings as a shepherd in his early life before having a spiritual awakening.

His channel is one of the most popular ASMR Reiki channels and he also has his own blog site, where he discusses about ASMR Reiki and several other forms of Reiki and the courses he offers.

4. Whispers of the wolf ASMR

Sike, the owner of this YouTube channel is a level 2 Reiki practitioner (one level away from master), who provides videos dedicated to using Reiki symbols, and many kinds of hand positions with ASMR to remove all anxiety from your mind.

3. Reiki with Anna

Anna is a Master Reiki practitioner, who is very passionate about the healing process specifically on ASMR. Her videos on YouTube are centered around the combination of ASMR with Reiki healing.

She provides guidance to sleep well, third eye activation, crown chakra activation, and more on spirituality.

2. Gibi ASMR

Gibi ASMR is a YouTube channel run by Gibi, who donates regularly to the Brain And Behavior Research Foundation that’s established to understand and treat mental health issues.

With her more than 4 million subscribers channel you can get a lot of benefits and insights related to ASMR Reiki healing.

1. Massage ASMR

As it sounds, Massage ASMR is another YouTube channel that is focused on incorporating ASMR reiki healing with hand massage.

Due to Dmitri’s passion for ASMR reiki healing, he published over 700 videos on his channel that can be the best way for you to learn hand massage techniques by channeling universe life force energy through the body.


Is ASMR spiritual?

Yes ASMR is a spiritual practice that includes reiki healing practice and hand positions.

Is Reiki the same as ASMR?

No, reiki has many parts and is associated with deep spiritual meanings, symbols, and recognition, while ASMR is a new form of healing that was developed by considering some reiki principles together.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article on ASMR Reiki has answered your questions about it.

With these YouTube channels given above, you can learn how to practise this healing process practically. You can subscribe to those channels to get regular updates and access more knowledge about ASMR healing.

If you want to include some points or suggest something about this article, don’t shy away from commenting below.

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