Can Reiki Healing be Done Online? An Authentic Guide to Online Reiki Healing

Are you wondering if it is possible to get the advantages of Reiki healing from the comfort of your home? Do you want to know the answer to the question – “Can Reiki healing be done online?”

Whether you are a busy professional or a super-mom who wants to practise Reiki healing, but cannot afford to spend time in travelling to the Reiki centre of your choice, then this article is for you. Do you want to know if Reiki healing can be done virtually?

In this blog, we will explore if Reiki healing can also be done remotely via visionary methods and executed by the practitioners from a long distance. So read on ahead to know if Reiki healing can be done remotely.


Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing technique that has gained popularity in recent times. It acts as a therapy for physical, emotional, and mental health. The word Reiki itself means universal life energy, when understood well from the Japanese perspective. Those who practise Reiki believe that they can channelize universal energy or life force to heal a being spiritually, physically, or emotionally. It helps balance an individual’s body, mind, and spirit. Moreover, the hand movements followed in Reiki also help reduce stress, elevate mood, and decrease pain or aches in the body.

Can Reiki Healing be Done Online?

If you want to know if you can avail the advantages of Reiki healing from a long distance and if it is possible to take Reiki sessions online, the short and crisp answer to this question is “Yes”. This article further describes the details of how the trend of online Reiki healing started and the other factors that you should consider for taking virtual Reiki sessions.

The Rise of Online Healing

The world of holistic healing has undergone a transformative change over time. There has been a shift towards online platforms with time. A new era of convenience began for the people who didn’t have access to the healing technique. Several remarkable factors contributed to the growth of remote healing. 

First of all, the virtual world has changed the way we link and access different services. The convenience and ease of scheduling digital healing sessions from the comfort of your own home at any time has attracted several people to it. Geographical boundaries declined with time, and it is no longer a hindrance to the healing practice. 

Secondly, technology plays a significant role in this transformation. Video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype have become important mediums for learning or getting involved in energy-based sessions like reiki. Practitioners can effectively transfer healing energies against distance while harnessing the power of visualization and purpose.

Furthermore, the Covid19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital healing even more. More and more people came forward to select it as a medium of peace and tranquillity. People even turned to alternatives that they never tried before to receive Reiki. Therefore, this entire combination of things going in the direction of healing changed the way in which people perceived Reiki earlier. It has now become a regular medium of balance for many.

Is Online Reiki Session Effective?

Many people find themselves in the dilemma whether the virtual Reiki sessions can help them as much as the offline sessions. But let me confirm that online Reiki sessions are as effective as the offline ones. Even after not being present physically, the client can receive the energy through the practitioner because of the symbols in the healing method. A practitioner informs the client to be aware of the healing and proceeds to imagine various symbols being passed to the client. This simple act results in the client feeling healed and lighter than before. 

Distance Reiki goes beyond physical boundaries and limits. This is because energy knows no limit. Common misconceptions include that the importance of physical touch matters a lot. But even in an offline session, the Reiki practitioner doesn’t touch the client almost every time. The healing in offline sessions is often passed with the help of the hands being above the client naturally. But, the mere assumption of people touching offline makes it confusing for the people who doubt online sessions. 

Things may be different if the practitioner is practising a different level of Reiki. Now, this is where the effectiveness may seem to be different from different people. A master practitioner will be able to provide much better healing than a beginner practitioner. Reiki level one practitioner will be able to provide a limited amount of healing to the client. Whereas a Reiki practitioner who has passed all levels, can provide a different level of bliss to the client. But no matter what the level or the stage of the practitioner is, healing is always performed. In all the cases, clients either report a warm feeling or a feeling of relaxation. Sometimes, they even report other sensations like a tingling sensation in their hands or feet. Other times, people confirm reduction of stress and anxiety in just a few minutes of the practice. 

What are the Factors to Consider for an Online Reiki Session?

For an online Reiki session, several factors need to be considered.

Firstly, choosing a reputable and quality practitioner is highly important. A certified practitioner is also a must. The practitioner’s credentials and experience must be verified by the clients. 

Secondly, creating an environment that is free from distraction is also another important thing to note. Clients should always find themselves in a silent and peaceful place when the practitioners practise reiki on them. This goes both for an offline and online session. But most importantly, for an online session, people tend to neglect the fact that the practitioner is not there, and they have to discipline themselves as much as the practitioners. Participants or clients should always create an environment free from interruptions in order to gain maximum benefits or to even realize the process of healing being processed. 

Practical Tips to Follow for Remote Healing

For a successful healing to take place, the client and the practitioner must be aware of a few things.

  1. Clients should prepare themselves by smudging the place well. Smudging or lighting an incense stick in the area they are going to be in, while the Reiki energy is being passed is important. 
  2. Another fact to be aware of is a comfortable space. If a client is feeling uneasy at a particular place, he or she must not be there when the session is being held. Deep breathing, along with the consciousness of the place, is highly important.
  3. Proper hydration, rest, and ease should be practised before the beginning of the session.
  4. Guidance from the practitioner can also be taken to eliminate any adverse results. Although there are no side effects of Reiki, the passing of energy can be difficult for the practitioner if discipline is not followed by the participant. 


Reiki is a great healing approach to gain relaxation and peace.

But does online reiki healing work? Is it as effective as an offline session? The blog answers all of these questions while providing tips to gain maximum benefit out of the session. 

After knowing all about online Reiki healing, what would you prefer to have – online Reiki sessions or offline Reiki sessions? Comment below to let us know.

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