Can you do Reiki on Animals – A Complete Guide

Are you wondering if you can apply Reiki healing to your pets or dogs, and let them also feel the calmness like you do?

Well, in this article, I’m about to answer your question – “can you do Reiki on animals?

Further, I’ll share the benefits of Reiki on animals, how to do it, and what can be the approximate price to do Reiki on pets.

So, let’s get started.

Can you do Reiki on Animals at Home?

The simple answer to this question is – yes, you can do Reiki on animals at home.

The majority of the time we believe that Reiki is only capable of healing the human body, but to be honest, it’s usefulness and impact can be beyond that.

We can make our pets meditate and help them dive into a deep state of silence by using the different techniques of Reiki healing on animals. During this practice, physical touch is not required and Reiki practitioners can heal with the flow of universal life force energy from their body, to the body of the recipient.

What is Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki is a healing method to block out all the negativity, stress, anxiety, and pain that might make your dog or pet aggressive.

Animal Reiki is not as complex as human Reiki. It can be applied without direct touch. During that procedure, your pet can move within a fixed distance and receive the amount of energy that is enough for healing and fixing the emotional and mental consequences.

After getting feedback about animal Reiki sessions, I’ve found that animals feel relaxed and enjoy life as if everything is fine, which as a result, makes pet owners happy to watch them.

During animal Reiki or usual Reiki healing, the Reiki practitioner must not be angry, or unconfident, and be humble, calm, and compassionate to the animals. These are the things that you must find in practitioners before getting animal Reiki sessions.

What are the Benefits of Reiki for Animals

After getting your eyes on animal Reiki, you may want to know why your pet should get Reiki healing sessions or what are the benefits of it.

Well, there are numerous parts to talk about in this context, so here I have explained each one:

  • Relief from anxiety and stress

This is an obvious but significant positive impact of animal Reiki. During the Reiki practice, the place where the animal will get healing should be so silent and noise-free, that it can be a cue for your pet to get started.

If your dog does not seem to be energetic or comfortable, this Reiki practice can transform their mood to feel good and start playing as before.

  • Help To Overcome illness

When we are in a relaxed state, our physical function or body processes perform more efficiently than majority of the remaining time. As a result, we become capable of healing our illness and health concerns better than any treatment.

Similarly, if your dog has a hard time suffering from illness or surgery, you can enhance his healing capacity by making him feel relaxed and comfortable with Reiki healing. If hand off techniques do not work, you can let the practitioner apply hands on Reiki healing for better relief.

  • Life Connection

Positive bonding between pets and pet owners is a crucial aspect to consider. However, there’s no way according to me to make this connection strong.

But, animal Reiki healing is the best approach to follow. It not only heals and helps in improving health, but it also provides positivity in your life by having a strong bond with your dog or pet.

The better your pet feels, which is possible through Reiki healing, the better he or she will behave with you and last in a long-term relationship.

  • Good end

Reiki has many applications in which providing a peaceful time during passing away of someone is an untapped use.

This same application can also be applied to pets or dogs. When the pets are about to die they have to go through the process of pain and sometimes it’s tough to spend such moments, that can make the death more worse. In this case, pet owners also get worried about them.

But, animal Reiki healing can make your animal capable of processing the end time and passing away smoother, without making someone else stressed.

How to do Reiki on Dogs

If you think Reiki animal healing can only be performed by a practitioner, you are wrong. You can use these techniques and Reiki hand positions given below to heal your pet without any experience or degree in Reiki.

Further, I’ll divide these techniques into two different parts – the first one is to relax your pet and the second one is to balance the pet emotionally.

A. Reiki hand positions for dog’s relaxation:

  1. Shoulder

Starting from the neck of your pet or dog, put both your hands on the upper side of the pet’s shoulder, if he or she is standing. However, in case he/she is lying down on his sides, you can place both your hands on the side facing you.

Remember, that the entire process should be done slowly and your hands must provide comfort.

  1. Middle Area

If your pet is standing, put your hands at the middle of his/her back or the mid-region of the spines. If he or she is lying down, put your hands gradually at the belly part.

  1. Back Area

Place your hands at the back of your pet or the spot at the base of his tail, if he is standing. If you want, you can also put your hands in the spinal region.

B. Reiki hand positions for dogs emotional balance:

  1. Chest and Head Area

Put one hand on the chest and the other one on the head of your dog.

Do you know Animal Reiki Practitioner Salary

The average salary that Reiki practitioners get is around $36 to $47 an hour, which is more than the average hourly rate in the United States.

On the other hand, Reiki practitioners can earn from $74,880 to $97,760 annually.

The given figures are just an approximate estimate. Hence, if you want to know how much exactly you can earn after being a Reiki practitioner, it depends on your skillset and experience.

If you are better than an average Reiki practitioner, then you can expect to earn more. Otherwise, if you lack skills, you’ll probably get paid less.

What is Distance Energy Healing for Dogs

In distance energy healing, a practitioner or healer at level 2 or more can transfer the universal life force energy from one place to another, no matter how far the receipt is.

This healing method is used in animals, where placing the hands gets difficult.

What is Angelic Reiki for Animals

Angelic Reiki for animals is similar to animal Reiki. It involves making a cat, dog, or pet capable of releasing their anger, stress, and pain that they cannot express through their mouth or body.

Throughout the angelic animal Reiki, the practitioner uses angelic energy which is the energy of angels to achieve higher focus and self-awareness.


What is Animal Reiki certificate?

Animal reiki certificate is an accomplishment certificate that’s given after someone completes an animal Reiki healing course.

What are the Dog Reiki prices?

If you take animal reiki healing sessions for 30 minutes, you’ll have to pay $40 to $70. Whereas an hour session can cost you up to $100.

Final Thoughts

Eventually, I hope this article has helped you in certain ways to know all about animal Reiki healing and how this is possible.

If your pet doesn’t let anyone touch him, you can hire a Reiki practitioner to use distance energy healing and fix the problem without any physical contact.

If you can’t pay such fees, the given steps can work for your dog If practiced properly.

Thanks for letting me share the knowledge with you, meanwhile, If you have some suggestions about this article, let me know in the comment section.

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