How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed

Hello readers, welcome to Are you wondering how many Reiki sessions you might need to get the desired results for a particular purpose? In this article, we are going to discuss how many reiki sessions are needed and help you in finding the answer.

So, let’s start this article.


To begin with, it’s important to realize that how many sessions you need would depend on what exactly you are hoping to get out of the healing therapy. So, if you are just going there to relax as opposed to going there to work on some chronic issue or to heal any medical condition, then it is going to be a lot easier to relax. Then, in that situation, you wouldn’t need as many sessions.

Another thing to remember is that no one ever can make any promises as far as what you can hope to get from a session and how long it will take. Results will vary, but experience shows that you know you often get certain patterns.

How Many Reiki Sessions are Needed for your Purpose

So, the number of reiki sessions needed for those people who are going primarily only to relax is somewhere between one and four, but most people only need one session. So if you lead a fairly balanced life, especially if you do things like meditation, etc., then almost every time, you just need one session, and you will feel a deep sense of relaxation.

If, however, you work in a very stressed job environment, and you have been stressed for a long period of time, then you start feeling a general sense of fatigue and your ability to feel enlivened ceases to exist. You become a bit desensitized. So, in the first session, you might not be able to feel the effect as much. Therefore, in that type of situation, you may need to undergo the sessions often, maybe even three or four sessions to enable the reiki energy to go deep.

Multiple sessions have a cumulative effect. So, even if you don’t feel so much relaxation for the first time, once all the energy has gone in for the first time, it assists in getting the energy from the subsequent sessions to penetrate deeper and deeper. Usually after a few sessions, you will be able to feel the healing energy going deeper. This will help you to have a very enjoyable relaxing experience and help you get back to your more jovial and happy state.

Regular Healing Sessions

Now, some people will use reiki similar to a massage therapy where they can go regularly. They might go once every fortnight or once every month, just to keep them balanced. So once you’re already in a pretty good energetic and emotional state, then just one regular session every month or so can be a great way to stay more balanced.

If you are taking the reiki sessions for getting relief from a not-so-acute physical condition, then the number of reiki sessions needed for your purpose might be limited. If you have got, say, a common flu, then just one or two reiki sessions can make a huge difference in your recovery. They can greatly accelerate your recovery. If you’ve got something as simple as say a headache, then often just a single reiki session can cure that. So it depends a little bit on the issue you have got.

Other Benefits of Reiki Sessions

If you have got a chronic condition, then it will take a bit longer. Sometimes, what the reiki would do is it might not even fix the actual issue, but it will provide you the side benefits.

So, you go to cure your severe health condition through reiki and the reiki doesn’t cure that, but it does make you feel more emotionally balanced. It does uplift your spirit.

So almost always there will be benefits from reiki, but with chronic conditions, they can be harder to see the effects. So although reiki can be successful from just taking sessions, but you can’t make any predictions and obviously, you can’t make any promises.

Recommendation of Reiki Sessions for People with Chronic Disease

Now if you have got a chronic condition then our recommendation to you would be to learn reiki because if you learn reiki, then you will be able to practise and give yourself reiki regularly. There would be a cumulative effect of the reiki sessions which you can give yourself regularly and instead of spending lots of money for taking the services of a healer, you can just do it yourself.

Incrementally, over a period of time, what you will discover is that reiki can improve your health. For chronic conditions, when you receive reiki sessions consistently over an extended period of time, it will mostly provide benefits. Now it might not be the exact benefit that you want, or it might not heal the specific condition you are suffering from, but you will find that it does certainly ease it.


So that’s it for this article. Now you might be answered that how many reiki sessions are needed. You can use it as a complementary therapy if you want and just see what results you would get. You will likely be very happy with the results you achieved. So good luck in experimenting with reiki.

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