How To Meditate for Better Sleep in 2024 | How To Meditate in Bed for Beginners

How to meditate before sleeping | How to meditate before sleep | How can we practice meditation before sleeping | How to meditate before going to bed | How to meditate in bed for beginners

Hello readers, welcome to Many people suffer from different types of sleeping issues. For example, they don’t get their complete sleep cycle, or their mind keeps thinking instead of resting at the time of sleep. It means they are not able to quieten their mind and inner consciousness.

In this article, we will discuss how to meditate for better sleep. The main topic in this article will be on how we can practice meditation before sleeping.

So let’s start with the article and its main agenda.

Introduction On How To Meditate Before Sleeping

Is meditation difficult? Meditation is easier than you think. Actually, you can meditate anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances. It just depends upon your awareness. So, we can say that the essence of meditation is awareness. Awareness means you know what you are thinking, what you are feeling, and what you are doing.

Many people think meditation is something that is a complicated art to conquer upon. They believe you must empty your mind, not think of anything, and only concentrate. This fact needs to be clarified about meditation.

Actually, to meditate, you do not have to block your thoughts, create a special state of mind or be peaceful and calm. No, there is no need for that. As long as you are aware of something and maintain that awareness, that is meditation.

Of course, sometimes, when we meditate like that, many thoughts pop up in our mind, like our to-do lists, our work deadlines, this, that, and so on. Sometimes, you may wonder if you are doing it right or wrong. This is normal. But you have to practice it again and again.

Thoughts Before Sleeping

It often seems that at nighttime, our mind appears very busy; maybe it hits us as soon as we lie down on the bed, or maybe when we wake up in the middle of the night. When the mind is bustling, it becomes difficult to focus on anything else. Therefore, it’s tough to fall asleep at nighttime because of the many thoughts revolving in our minds.

A busy mind needs to work in a particular way. If it’s busy, we need to give it something to do. But we shouldn’t give it too much to do so that it continues to feel busy.

Therefore, you can try guided meditation before sleep, which we will discuss now. We are now discussing how to meditate before sleeping or how to meditate in bed.

How To Meditate For Better Sleep [Guided Meditation]

Begin this practice when you are ready to fall asleep. If you have any work left that you think you have to do before sleeping, then do that first and then come back whenever you are ready to fall asleep.

Now, allow yourself to get extra comfortable, making any necessary adjustments. Lovingly, close your eyes if you have not already done so. Invite yourself to turn inwards, to allow your awareness to drift into your breath and body. Let your breath be as natural and calm as it feels good to you.

Just observe the flow of your breath as you invite gravity to take over, allowing your body to become loose and heavy. Invite each and every muscle to relax.

There is nothing to hold on to. It is safe and suitable for you to relax. Invite your body to respond most lovingly.

As you permit yourself to relax, you will get to know about the heaviness of your eyelids, your arms, and your body as a whole. Now feel your breath – entering inside and going out. Inviting yourself to allow any thoughts just to pass by as you tune into how relaxed you feel.

Tune in to knowing deep within your heart that you are preparing yourself to enter into the most loving sleep for you. You can let go of any outcome and trust that the rest you are about to experience is perfect for you.

Allow yourself to begin to use your imagination, to use your mind’s ability to see without sight, and allow any images or shapes to come to your mind. Let this dream-like state of imagination take over, inviting loving images to float in and out of your experience. Let them be without any judgment and curiosity. Just observe and allow them as your eyes continue to grow heavier and heavier and more sleepy.

You can understand this by practising it daily before going to bed. Learn it and do this meditation before sleep. Also, you can listen to some relaxing music while meditating before sleeping. They can help you in bringing focus and concentration.

Can You Do Meditation In Bed?

Meditation is done in a comfortable position. If you can’t sit straight for some reason, you can still meditate while lying down in bed. So, it’s absolutely fine to do meditation in bed. In bed, you may feel more comfortable and relaxed. Initially, you may go to sleep, but slowly, you will succeed.

But, if you’re doing meditation before sleeping just to get a better sleep, then lying down in the bed to meditate can be a better option for you as you can feel more relaxed and comfortable on your bed to fall asleep.

Conclusion On How To Meditate Before Sleeping

So, let’s end this article here. We have discussed the way to do meditation before sleeping. Initially, you may get distracted by your infinite thoughts, but you must practice it repeatedly. You have to bring awareness to your mind. But make sure that in the process of bringing awareness to your mind, you do not become confused or stressed. So, bring a balance between awareness and relaxation while doing meditation.

Hope this article will help you in doing meditation before sleeping.

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