How To Meditate With Your Eyes Open | Can You Meditate With Your Eyes Open

Hello readers, welcome to In this article, we will get to know the procedure of how to meditate with your eyes open that very few people are aware of. Before this, we will clarify if it is possible or not, i.e., can you meditate with your eyes open?

So let’s begin this article with its main topic, how to meditate with your eyes open.

Is it Possible to Meditate With Your Eyes Open

Yes, it is possible to meditate with your eyes open. When we meditate, we want to avoid distractions so that we can focus on our own experiences. That is why, we close our eyes.

But if you want to open your eyes, do so by looking at a 45-degree angle right and try not to look into something particular. Just try to look vaguely at the floor so that nothing catches your attention.

Also, when we feel tired and sleepy, it can be a good idea to open our eyes to feel more and to invite more energy into our bodies. Although it can be a skillful way as well to meditate without opening your eyes.

Meditation With Eyes Open Or Closed: Which Is Better?

Now, we will discuss whether you should meditate with your eyes open or closed and how you will get to know which one is better for you.

The simple answer is that you can try both and observe what is comfortable for you and see what works better. There are some ways by which you can figure out which one is better for you.

The first thing is that closed eyes are usually more stabilizing. So there’s less sensory input, and you can usually attune to what’s happening internally more clearly. So if you are doing somatic practices like just paying attention to your breath or just paying attention to sensations in the body, it may be better to have your eyes closed.

Now, on the other hand, you can think of open eyes as a kind of training to bridge a gap between seated practice and then everyday mindfulness practice.

So the point is that we are mostly meditating to have a better experience in life and to make life more relaxing. It’s like we are building up these skills in hopes that they are actually transited into our everyday life by waking up the awareness.

So having your eyes open allows you to do these practices. It may make sense to get really stable in your practice with your eyes closed until you feel like you get to know what you’re doing. There would be some improvements in your concentration, clarity, and equanimity.

Once you notice those improvements, you can start doing the practices with your eyes open a bit and see how that affects it. At another stage, what you could do is start doing walking meditations. Let’s say you’re able to attune to a certain centeredness or breathe or a way to get a certain amount of focus in a seated practice, try carrying that into waking meditation, and then you can start to carry it into other activities.

That’s not always the case. Some people feel a lot more stable and grounded with their eyes open, especially people who have suffered from trauma. For people who have big emotional experiences that are a bit scary, closing your eyes can sometimes make those bigger and scary. So opening your eyes may be helpful.

Another case is if you’re tired. You can get sleepy, maybe start feeling asleep with your eyes closed. So it might make more sense with your eyes open. It’s a little more energizing, and you stay more alert and focused.

So you can think of open eyes meditation as a bit more challenging and a good way to stay translating the skills you’re building on the cushion into your everyday life.

How To Meditate With Your Eyes Open

Now we will tell you the entire procedure regarding how to meditate with your eyes open. This is just a 10-minute open-eyes meditation that you can actually do very easily.

Start in the usual way and take your seat on a chair or cushion on the floor. Sit with your back upright but comfortable. With your eyes open, begin by taking a few big deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Now, we are going to practice mindfulness with our eyes open. So look at an object in the room, it can be anything around you, but ideally, it should be something straight ahead of you that you can comfortably stare at, and you shouldn’t be straining to look at it.

We are also now focusing on the object. Just maintain a soft and wide gaze in the direction of the object. Begin to notice your visual, shadows, contrast, colors, and the depth and distance of the object you are looking at. See if you can actually see it without judgment. See if you can actually take this object in your visual field without thinking about the object or labeling or identifying the object.

Allow yourself to leave your attention on your visual field and notice anything that enters your conscious attention in your visual field. Just leave your attention there for a few moments.

As you do this, if you become distracted or your attention moves away from your visual field, notice this without any judgments and return your attention to your visual field.

Your vision is just another sense that you can gently place your attention in. In the past, you may have meditated with your attention on physical senses or sounds, but your vision is just another place to practice mindfulness.

Now, with your eyes still open, see if you can actually widen your attention a little more. Begin to notice your weight on the floor or on the chair. Notice the sensation of your breath and the rise and fall each time you inhale and exhale. Notice the physical points of contact, such as your back against the chair or your hands in your lap. Also, notice any sounds in the room that you are in. Allow these things to enter your field of awareness without removing your attention from your visual field.

Instead of maintaining a narrow field of meditation, you can create or maintain a wider field of attention.

Do it for 10 minutes and you will complete your open-eyes meditation.


So, guys, that’s the end of the article. Summing up quickly, we got to know if can you meditate with your eyes open. If yes, you also got to know the procedure regarding how to meditate with your eyes open. We gave you all the information you needed regarding this topic.

Hope you liked this article.

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