Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in Chinese Numerology

Do you know that there are certain numbers that are considered to be very lucky according to Chinese numerology? On the other hand, there are also numbers that are considered to be extremely unlucky as per the ancient Chinese numerology.

If you want to know more about the lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese numerology, and the significance of each number in our lives along with the reason behind such thoughts, then you have to read till the end of this article.

The Significance of Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in Chinese Numerology

From house and phone numbers to tags, numbers are all around us and have deep social meanings. This is especially true in Chinese culture, where numbers are believed to bring good luck or keep bad things from happening.

All Chinese people are connected by the language and deep meanings of Chinese numbers. Even though the meanings may be different in different languages and countries, the lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese numerology play an important role in affecting every choice – from important events to deals.

People really want to associate with lucky numbers, and as a result items associated with these lucky numbers in Chinese culture, often sell for higher value.

Finding Your Lucky Number: Birth Year and Gender Method

Chinese numerology uses a method different from Western numerology. Your birth year is important. But in Chinese astrology, gender also plays a major role. Take the birth year 2001 as an example. Add the last two numbers. Here, they are 0 and 1. Add them:  0+1 = 1.

Then, cut this number to one digit:

1. For men, subtract his number from 10. In this case,  (10-1 = 9),

2. for women, add 5 to the number. In this case, it is 1+5 = 6.

So, for men, 9 is the lucky number,  and for women, 6 is the lucky number.

Lucky Numbers in Chinese Numerology (6, 8, and 9)

Number 8 – Luckiest Number

  • Number 8, (八, bā) is the luckiest number, since its pronunciation closely resembles the word (发, fā), which means wealth and success.
  • It is highly respected in Chinese society, since it is linked to wealth, success and prosperity.
  • Wealth and material good fortune rhymes with the spirit of number 8. 
  • Balance in all walks of life and unity is marked by number 8. 
  • Dates containing ‘8’ is oftern favored for weddings and new ventures.
  • A very important part of Chinese numbers and Feng Shui that affects many parts of life.
  • Used carefully in marketing and business to bring about success.
  • The number 8 even influenced major events like the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where the opening ceremony was scheduled at 8:08 PM on August 8, 2008 (08/08/08). This shows how deeply ingrained and important the lucky number in Chinese numerology is, in the Chinese culture.

Number 9: A sign of eternity and long life

  • Pronunciation of the number 9 (九, jiǔ) has resemblance to the word “eternal” (久, jiǔ).
  • In Chinese cosmology, it stands for unity and forever.
  • Words that sound alike include “eternal” and “long-lasting.”
  • Linked to ‘living a long life’ and immortality in Chinese culture and mythology.
  • Important in traditions and events, like the Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival. This festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. This festival is celebrated with prayers for longevity and good health of the elders in the society.
  • In Feng Shui, the number 9 is used to attract good energy and completeness.
  • Unique for Arts and Mathematics. 

Number 6: To an extent rhymes with Success and Smoothness

  • Pronunciation of the lucky number 6 (六, liù) resembles closely to the word “smooth” (流, liú).
  • Relates to effortless progress and success. 
  • Special importance in business and finance as it is supposed to bring money and success.
  • Helps relationships and settings be more balanced and harmonious.
  • The number 6 is consdered as one of the lucky numbers in Chinese numerology because it brings in good energy and stability (according to Feng Shui). 
  • As it is linked to heavenly ideals and blessing, it is considered sacred in religion and spirituality.
  • The number 6 is widely used for decorations during the Chinese New Year celebrations, to bring in smooth transition and prosperity. 

Unlucky numbers in Chinese Numerology

  • Number 4 is considered unlucky.
  • In Chinese mandarin, it is pronounced as sì (四, sì, fourth tone).
  • This pronunciation is similar to the word – sǐ (死, sǐ, third tone), which means death.
  • This notion is deeply connected in the Chinese society.
  • Therefore, the digit 4 is often avoided while building floors, room numbers, telephone lines, and more.
  • The word “tetraphobia” relates to the term fear or dislike of the number 4.
  • People tend to avoid giving gifts that come in sets of 4, in order to avoid bad luck.
  • Street names that start with 4 are generally avoided.
  • Subtle wit or humor is used to soften the negative implications that come with the unlucky number in Chinese numerology.

Interpreting 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5: Their Meanings and Uses

Number Zero: 

Zero is a good number because it looks like the character for “completeness” or “wholeness”. It is symbolized by 零 (líng), which means the start or beginning of everything. However, it is considered a neutral number which is neither good or bad.

Number One: 

It is neither good nor bad. Mostly, it is linked to the ‘first’ or as ‘taking the lead’ role. But on the contrary, it can also aggravate the sense of being alone or single.

Therefore, people celebrate November 11, that is written as 11/11, as Singles’ Day. Because the date of 11/11 has four “1s”.

Number Two: 

In general, two is considered as a good number. The Cantonese characters for “easy” and “bright” sound the same. “Good things come in pairs” is a saying from China. Models remember reworking characters for brand names that helped them grow.

Number Three: 

In Chinese, the number three is written as 三 (sān). It looks like 生 (shēng), which means “life” or “to live”, depicting the concept of growth at every stage of life – at the beginning, middle, and end of life. It is regarded as positive in this way.

However, it can also be linked to the word 散 (san), which means “to separate” or “disperse”,. The idea of separation is painful and hence the number three can be considered negative in this way.

Number Five:

The number five is written as 五 (wǔ) in Chinese. The number five has a long history of being linked to the Chinese Emperor and the five elements that consitute traditional philosophy. That being said, it’s a good number.

Number 7:

  • It is written as 七 () in Mandarin Chinese.
  • Considered to be related to the Qixi festival or the Chinese valentine’s day, which occurs in the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Hence it is considered to be good for dating.
  • Thought to be bad because the seventh lunar month or July is also considered as the “ghost month”.
  • In Mandarin, the pronunciation of 七 () sounds like 欺 (), which means ‘to lie’ or ‘to deceive’.
  • In Cantonese, the pronunciation for 7 (chāt) is similar to a slang depicting the male genitalia or “penis”.


Lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese numerology have a profound effect on many aspects of life and influence the choices of numerous people.

Some numbers, like the number 8, are considered to be very auspicious and lucky, as they sound like the word for ‘wealth’ and ‘riches’. On the other hand, numbers like 4 are considered bad luck because they sound like words that mean ‘death’.

Chinese people relate a cultural meaning to all the numbers in Chinese society, and these views show that. They affect everything from business choices to building designs.

If you want to bring in good luck and avoid back luck, then you can consider the knowledge of the lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese numerology as well.

Does the difference between good and bad numbers in Chinese numerology have any cultural meaning?

In fact, the lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese numerology have deep social roots. They come from old ideas about how everything in the world works together. Numerology is thought to be a sign. 

Based on Chinese numerology, what does the number 8 mean?

In Chinese numerology, the number 8 is very valuable. Its sound resembles to the word for wealth. People think that numerology can bring them wealth and success in many parts of their lives. In Chinese numerology, what are the lucky numbers? People in China believe that certain numbers are luck. They are called by the special name i.e. “fortunate numbers.” In this respect, number 8 is very popular, which means “thriving,” and 9 is also auspicious, which means “eternal time” and “long life.” People in China also think that the numbers 6, 3, and 2 are lucky.

Are there any numbers that signify bad luck in Chinese numerology?

In Chinese numerology, there are numbers that signify bad luck. For example, the number 4 is thought to be related to bad luck because it is associated to things that depict death and bad luck. In a similar way, the number 7 can also be considered as bad in certain special situations. 

Lucky and unlucky numbers in China – What is the basic difference?

Lucky numbers can help you make big decisions related to your life, like when to get married start a business, or buy a house. Terrible numbers are always avoided by the people who believe in numerology to avoid bad luck for sure. If they skip these numbers, psychologically it feels to them that everything will go on smoothly after that. 

What role do lucky and unlucky numbers play in Chinese businesses?

Lucky numbers are used in Chinese businesses to bring in growth and success by using them in names, designs, and prices. On the other hand, enterprises try not to use wrong numbers to avoid bad relationships that could hurt their profits.

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