Reiki for Financial Abundance

Do you watch your bank balance not growing fast enough, as you want it to?

It doesn’t happen to you because of your bad luck or circumstances where you grew up, but it happens because of your mind.

The way you see the world and feel is the main cause of all your current financial situation.

If you want to take a deep dive to know all about Reiki for financial abundance, and learn how this can work for you, not against you, then stick to the end of this article because this guide has some hidden insights about getting around to the source of money and wealth.

What is Reiki for Financial Abundance

Reiki for financial abundance is a practice that involves being aware of some negative beliefs and energies that hold you back from accomplishing financial abundance or wealth.

With the help of universal life force energy, Reiki (distance money reiki) can facilitate the flow of positivity in our lives by allowing access to more money and freedom.

You may have heard that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another, i.e., from negativity to positivity. Reiki scientifically uses the same law to make you feel happy and abundant, putting aside beliefs that can derail you.

Whatever you have right now in your life is a result of your past primary thoughts and beliefs. If you always have worries about lack of money, self-doubt, and a feeling of poverty, you are inviting more negativities and money problems to yourself.

In ‘money Reiki’ (you might see the term as ‘Reiki money’ in some places too), on the other hand, you’ll learn how to let go off those mind barriers and beliefs that are constantly blocking all the doors of richness and assets.

What benefits can you get from money Reiki or Reiki for abundance

As you are digging into money Reiki, when you are able to break the negative block and be happy with financial abundance, you’ll gradually feel confident about yourself.

Furthermore, your self-esteem will rise up, and being happy, achieving success, and getting better financially and emotionally will make you feel as if nobody can match your level of happiness and self-satisfaction.

If you have been taught that you must be patient in order to succeed in your job, business, or personal life, with a trained money Reiki healer, you can be able to attract more opportunities in life to get what you want instantly (although, there are some principles and techniques that you have to first learn and practise).

And one of the major benefits is, you’ll fix the primary cause of lack of money, that’s mental beliefs.

Do you know why rich people get more rich? It’s not because they already have enormous wealth, it’s due to their thoughts, they always feel better about money, and they focus on the abundance of wealth, not on the lack of it.

If you follow this simple approach, you will skip this poverty trap.

The intensity of the waves you send to the universe about money, will become stronger and amplify to higher frequency to attract money like a magnet.

Further, only your mind is not responsible for all energies you have to flow into the universe, your 7 Chakras also have a big impact on your life from relationships to money, which l have explained below:

Which Chakra is for Financial Abundance

In simple words, your sixth Chakra is responsible for having a clear and vivid vision of your life and abundance of wealth. The more clearly you see and believe the money chakra, the more it’ll flow into your life.

However, there are a total of seven chakras and two of them have a significant impact on your financial life. These two chakras play an important role in the process of wealth creation and its sustainability in life.

Let’s take a sneak peek at each chakra:

Sixth Chakra

The sixth Chakra is one of the crucial elements or parts of your body that has the biggest impact on your wealth. It is situated in the middle of your forehead and helps in the flow of energy from your brain pan or cranium. Beside this chakra, all others are for creating and getting feelings or sensations.

But, the sixth Chakra is an intuition of pictures or images. That’s why it allows you to put a clear image of your financial prosperity and abundance in your vision and create the sensation that you possess everything that you want to get.

When this chakra aligns in your control, you’ll not react immediately to any tragedy that might befall upon you, you’ll have a sense of realization of financial abundance, and your mind will always be in a positive state.

Root Chakra

This Chakra is responsible for making you feel ‘lack of enough’ or ‘insufficient’.

In real world examples, people who are conceived with this chakra behave in a greedy manner. They think that if they help someone with money, that will lead to unnecessary depletion of their wealth.

The feeling of ‘not having enough’ is a kind of energy that people vibrate to the universe and say I don’t have enough, and then as a result, they end up with not having money in their bank account and live poorly.

How to do Reiki for Financial Abundance

Reiki is considered a healing practice that most people use to relieve themselves from overwhelming and stressful scenarios, but it’s beyond that. Because you can make it work for you like a magnet to attract more wealth and happiness too,

In the given ways below, I am going to include some Reiki symbols that you may have heard or not heard before. (If don’t know about any symbols, don’t worry because I have mentioned their images)

Given below are 3 ways for you to use Reiki money symbols:

1. Box Method

Get any box (wooden) that you like or that seems to be good for you. If you don’t have one, make a separate box with cardboard or wood.

If you want, you can decorate it externally. Take a green pen and write a Euro and manifestation symbol on one side (internally), and draw vasudha and Cho Ku Rei symbols on another side of the box with a red pen. On the fourth side, make money Reiki master symbol with the help of a Blue pan and Sei He Ki and dollar symbol with the orange pen on the last side of your box.

Cho Ku Rei symbol

sei he ki reiki symbol

Once you do so, write your desired goals on a paper in the present continuous tense and put it inside the box. For instance, ‘I am making X amount of money every day, or I am going to buy a new (model name and color) car’.

2. Use Dollar Symbol

It’s such a tricky but easy method to apply in your life. You just need to take a cheque that you have to sign or a money note (currency), and draw a dollar symbol at any corner. So whenever you give it to someone while getting something, you’ll say, “thanks for having money in my pocket, whoever receives it will get a lot of happiness and prosperity.”

Dollar symbol

This is a way to express gratitude and appreciation for what you have, which will result in more money.

3. World Healing

In this way of money Reiki, you’ll try to heal the whole world with money, you’ll let your universal energy flow into the world for forgiveness and abundance of money to the all poor people out there.

For example, you’ll sit in a comfortable position and imagine the world as a mother who is staying in front of you. Give the money to the mother to help block out all the poverty from the world, after praying. Imagine that there’s no lack of money and everyone is wealthy and happy in life.

Once you follow this ritual and as long as you feel positive about money, more wealth will be coming into your home, bank account, and your pocket.

Unleash your Wealth and Prosperity

Now, it’s your turn to experiment and find which method from the given ones is worth going after.

And remember, if you just know that your thoughts and feelings are the key to opening the door to financial abundance, you are all set to go far ahead in your life from where you were used to previously.

If this article has created any brightness in your mindset and diminished some darkness, let me know in the comment section.

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