Reiki Self Healing Hand Positions

Do you have some trouble in life from your body that you want to heal by yourself?

Well, with the help of Reiki self healing hand positions, without the need of anyone else, you can align your hand to certain positions to eliminate health issues and the mental and emotional problems around you.

These practices will not only solve such issues but also impact your life from many aspects that you’ll know below.

So, without having to waste your time, let’s get started

How Many Reiki Self Healing Hand Positions Are Available

Currently, from ancient culture to today’s world, there are 15 eternal Reiki Self Healing Hand techniques used, and additionally, 7 specific hand positions for every chakra in the human body.

For you we cannot say that you should practice each one of those positions. Instead, it is entirely dependent on your situation and the issue you want to comb through.

Here are some eternal Reiki Self Healing Hand Positions:

  • Crown of the head
  • Forehead and eye area
  • Left and right brain hemispheres
  • Back of the head
  • Sides of the neck and throat
  • Between the shoulder blades
  • Hands placed on the chest or heart area
  • Lower abdomen or sacral area
  • Hand positions for the kidneys
  • Lower back region
  • Hands-on the hip area
  • Placing hands on the knees
  • The left side of the body
  • The right side of the body
  • Feet and ankle areas

Reiki Hand Positions for your body’s chakras:

  • Crown Chakra: The topmost energy center at the crown of the head.
  • Third Eye Chakra: Located in the forehead, between the eyebrows.
  • Throat Chakra: Situated in the throat area.
  • Heart Chakra: Found in the chest, it’s related to love, compassion, and emotional balance.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: It is in the upper abdomen, and related to your personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.
  • Sacral Chakra: It is in the lower abdomen, and connected to creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being.
  • Root Chakra: It is at the base of your spine, and relates to stability and grounding.

What Are The Importance Of Reiki Self Healing Hand Positions

Self-healing is a way to channel the energy through your hand at a specific spot of the body. When the energy is shifted to a point, it removes the negative vibes and facilitates the healing process.

From the given hand positions, people can use them for specific chakras or body areas that allow them to address physical, emotional, and spiritual issues in a targeted manner.

Further, if you have an imbalance in the energy system, reiki hand positions are capable of balancing them and improving your overall well-being.

Nowadays, stress and anxiety are common issues that youngsters and the majority of people suffer from, but with your hands, there are some reiki healing techniques that you can use to release your physical and emotional tension, if you practice it properly. We have explained it in details below:

How Can You Use The Reiki Self Healing Hand Positions

In this self-healing practice, no matter which hand position you choose, you must have a clear purpose or focus, to channel the universal life force energy in the right direction.

In doing this, you will need to put aside all random thoughts from your mind and be in the present moment.

Once you have a clear purpose, begin to rasp the palm of your hand and let the energy chakra awake. If you want, you can add a reiki symbol in your practice to enhance the energy intensity.

The given hand positions are efficient in helping in such issues, but you may get the variations and a bit different ways to practice than I am explaining.

If so, the truth is, all hand positions are worth practising as long as they are aligned with the Reiki Principles, but the techniques mentioned here can truly be helpful from overcoming stress, healing the body and shifting the mind towards positivity to living a compassionate life.

Before you start using reiki healing, there’s something to make sure of, such as you need to choose a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed, sit down in a relaxed position.

You may want to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and visualize yourself grounded to the earth, like the roots of a tree, to connect with the Earth’s energy.

Now, let’s talk about the hand positions:

Top 15 Reiki Hand Positions To Heal Yourself

The practices given below are arranged in a way that you’ll start from the top and end at the bottom, as a result, there will not be any room to miss any specific point to heal.

Crown Of The Head

It’s the beginning hand position that focuses on your brain functions and its physical aspects.

First off, gently place your hands on the top of your head, with your fingertips touching. Your palms should be slightly cupped but not touching your head directly.

While practising, you’ll not only balance your brain’s function but also transfer energy to your pineal gland, which is the stream of melatonin. This chemical lets people have good sleep and happiness.

Forehead And Eye Area

This hand position focuses on your forehead and eyes area. To begin, Close your eyes and take a few deep, calming breaths to relax your body and mind.

Once you activate your energy by rubbing the hands together, it’ll increase the flow of energy as you place your hands on your Third Eye.

Moreover, Place your hands on your forehead, with your fingertips touching apart. Your middle fingers should be aligned with your Third Eye chakra, which is located between your eyebrows, slightly above the bridge of your nose.

Left And Right Brain Hemispheres

This hand practice is designed to tackle Mental disorders, stroke, dementia, and many other brain-related diseases.

To apply it, Place your hands on the left side of your head, near the temple or forehead, with the intention of channeling energy to the left brain hemisphere. Do it similarly for the right brain and hold this position for a few minutes.

Sides Of The Neck And Throat

Place your hands on the sides of your neck, just below the jawline, with your fingertips is in upward.

Your thumbs can rest on the back of your neck. Your hands should be relaxed, and your touch should be light.

Back Of The Head

Keep your hands on the back of your head, specifically on the occipital region, where your skull meets the neck.

Your fingertips should lightly touch the base of your skull. Your palms can be facing inwards or outwards, whichever makes you more comfortable.

Between The Shoulder Blades

With your palms facing down and your fingertips extended, put your hands on your upper back between your shoulder blades. You can cross your arms over your chest to reach this area comfortably.

Additionally, As you inhale during this process, visualize healing energy entering your body.

Hands Placed On The Chest or Heart Area

In this practice, Place your hands on your chest, over your heart area. Your palms should be in contact with your chest and with your fingers.

ln doing so, Pay attention to any sensations you may experience, such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peacefulness.

Left Side Of The Body

Hold your hands with the palms facing downward and your fingers extended. Imagine energy flowing through your hands.

Your hand should cover the area around your stomach so that you can heal it, which is the source of our energy (digestive system).

Right Side Of The Body

For the right side of the body, you can use similar positions as the left side. These are often mirrored positions. Such as placing your hands gently, on or slightly above the right side of the body that you want to heal while keeping your hands relaxed and fingers together.

Lower Abdomen Or Sacral Area

Place your hands slightly above the lower abdomen or sacral area. Keep your hands relaxed and open. Stay mindful and focused on the healing process. You can say positive affirmations during practice.

Also, keep your hands in place for as long as you feel comfortable

When you’re ready, gently remove your hands from the area to end the healing session and express gratitude.

Hand Positions For The Kidneys

In the matter of kidney healing, put your hands gently on your lower back, just above your hips, with your palms facing inward and your fingers pointing down.

Lower Back Region

Without applying pressure, Lay your hands on the lower back area, without applying any pressure. Keep your hands open and fingers slightly apart.

You can practice for as long as you feel comfortable, but typically, a session may last 10-20 minutes.

Hands-On The Hip Area

Stand or sit comfortably while putting your hands on your hip area (on the sides of your body) with your palms inwards. You can also hover your hands a bit above if you prefer not to touch them.

Placing Hands On The Knee

To place your hands on the knee, get your hands on the recipient’s knees, while maintaining a light and comfortable touch. There is no need to focus on chakras; simply allow the energy to flow naturally.

Feet And Ankle Areas

For the feet and ankle areas, you can put your hands gently on the top of the feet, Move your hands to the sides of the feet, near the ankles and then hold each position for several minutes, while focusing on channeling healing energy through your hands.


Now, this is it for reiki self healing hand position. I hope the given guide is helpful in the context of healing your body.

In a nutshell, make sure which organ or place of your body needs to heal that’s bringing significant problems in your life. Once you know it, pick a Reiki hand position and practise it consistently, you can also use Reiki symbols to get the next-level results.

Finally, If you have any suggestions to include in this blog post, let me know in the comment section.

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