Significance of Number 8 in Numerology

Do you know that numbers especially which are in single digits affect us at both the external and internal levels? In this article we will explore the significance of number 8 in numerology.

All the numbers have their special significance, but number 8 is unique as it echoes through our daily lives. So, read through the entire article if you want to know what does 8 mean in numerology.


Personality, love life, and career life can all be generally affected by associated numbers.

First of all, do you know how to find your number according to your date of birth?
To find out your number, you have to follow certain steps. Just do as follows. Take the date of birth of a person. For example, if the date is 8 January 2024, then we have to calculate like this
Month = 1
Day = 08
Year = 2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8
Life path number = 1+8+8 =17
Add both the digits of 17, i.e. 1+7 = 8

Significance of Number 8 in Numerology

Those who are born on the 8th, 17th, or the 26th of a month are ruled by the number 8. Their governing planet is Saturn. There is a reason due to which we say that the number 8 is balanced. If you divide 8, it divides into two equal parts (4+4). Again if you try to divide its parts further, they also divide into equal halves (2+2). This represents the balance of life and Justice.

There is a quote for number 8 that goes like this –“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new”. Number 8 is all about your control and domination in the world. Have you observed the symmetrical shape of 8? The shape of the number 8 relates it to the Karmik account of a person. The persons associated with the number 8 are often found to be ambitious persons with huge professional success.

Importance of Number 8 in Chinese culture

In Chinese culture, the luckiest number is 8. Their wedding dates, addresses, finances, and even the birth dates are purposefully hidden with the number 8. People even change their names and include more 8s to achieve better accomplishments. Ambitious people who are meant to achieve higher goals are especially related to number 8.

Unique qualities possessed by number 8

As you know Karmik account means – what you give to the world, comes back to you in one form or the other. Number 8 is related to the achievements, but these achievements mean nothing without gratitude. So number eight balances the achievement with gratitude.
Endurance is directly related to determination and patience. The people who are related to number 8 are often found to be full of patience and have an enduring nature. Such people have the willingness to struggle because they always remain positive that they will achieve success.

Life path number 8 : Personality Traits

Different aspects of human life are affected by the numbers in different ways. Number 8 has the efficiency to affect the life and personality of a person to its core.

Below are some of the personality traits associated with the number 8.

Career and Finance

The person associated with number 8 sees financial and career prosperity in their life. Through their entrepreneurial skills, they achieve success and also get promotions and bonuses easily. The career options for such people are found lucrative in the fields of law, finance, and business. Self-employment is the best thing for them. However, they can achieve huge success in the fields of social work and teaching, as they display unmatchable leadership qualities.


Common words related to the number 8 are dedication and honesty. Such people believe in value providing, rather than taking. Their love and care never hide behind the bushes. They are quite vocal and show them directly.

In their romantic relationship, they are the ones who hold the reign of the horse. For them, the submissive types are the best match because they like to lead everywhere, even in the relationship.

These people are of the caring type, but at times they can even neglect their relationship and parenting duties, if their work demands so. The good part is that, even if they fall into a conflict with their partner, their neck for problem-solving helps them to get out of it easily.


A person with an association with the number 2 is a good pair for the person associated with number 8. It is said that number 2 is more diplomatic and flexible. You can also tie up 8 with 6, as the number 6 is related to sacrificing and loving nature, which balances out the authoritative nature of 8. Two 8s can also be compatible. But people with their life path number 8 is least compatible with numbers 3 and 5.


Number 8 mostly gets the successful routes. 8 achieves it through its competitiveness and responsibility.

Weakness of Number 8

No number comes without weakness also. There are some big weaknesses related to the number 8. Let us discuss some of the the weaknesses related to number 8.


As we already discussed, those who relate to life path number 8 secure many accomplishments in their life. However, when the accomplishments are big, the Hulla Ballu about it is also big. At times, other opportunist people may manipulate this aspect to their favour and cause harm to the person.


Number 8 tends to define the rules and processes. This sometimes creates a rift between the partners to the extent that the teamwork becomes impossible to execute.

Relationship turmoils

Number 8 first prioritizes itself and the work. If the deadline of any project gets nearer, they get completely indulged in it.


Number 8 is associated with authoritativeness. Such persons always consider themselves as right. They do not accept the opinions of others with open arms. Number 8 becomes so engrossed with its way of living, that it expects the same in all the ways and situations. Bending their ways is impossible for them.

Tarot cards and number 8

If you observe the Tarot card of the numerical 8 you will find that the number is placed on top of the magician’s head. It represents spiritual energy and strength. This 8th number cart in the Tarot reading directly relates to the Karmik control. In Chinese practices, the number 8 is considered one of the luckiest numbers included in their address dates as well.

Spirituality and number 8

Number 8 has a special significance. Number 8 and the chakra system are related to one another.

Do you know what are Chakras? Chakras are energy centers in our body that control the emotional as well as physical aspects of our body. The vibrational frequency of all the Chakras relates to the 8 musical notes. These are in turn related to the light spectrum of 7 colors with an additional white colour. It suggests a harmonious balance. Symbolism hidden behind number 8 can help to get the full potential from it. It can bring positivity to your life.


For different cultures, the significance of number 8 is affected by their belief systems. Its shape has a resemblance to the symbol of infinity. It has a direct association with qualities like ambition and open success. For Chinese people, 8 is the luckiest number, but in certain special circumstances, they consider it as unlucky as well.

What are those special circumstances? It is still a mystery for me.
The number 8 in numerology symbolizes abundance, success, and balance between the material and spiritual worlds. It’s considered lucky, especially in finance and career.

Individuals with this number 8 are ambitious, practical leaders but may struggle with overwork and control issues. Spiritually, it represents infinity and karma. If 8 is your life path number, you’re destined for success and leadership.

To harness its energy, a person must focus on determination and balance. The person must use this power for good. Famous figures associated with 8 include business leaders like Bill Gates.

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