The 7 Chakras In Human Body And Their Significance

Hello readers, welcome to the website. In this article, we are first going to introduce you to the concept of chakras present in the human body. After that we will talk about the 7 chakras in human body and their significance in details.

So, let’s dive deeper to know more about what are the seven chakras in human body.

What are Chakras

Another name for chakra is ‘energy center’. Whenever two lines of energy cross, they create an energy center. Now typically, there are thousands of energy centers in the body, but what makes these seven energy centers or the seven chakras special is that these are the areas in which the energy is highly concentrated. It’s also the location where major endocrine glands dump their hormones.

The 7 Chakras In Human Body And Their Significance
The seven chakras explained

What are the 7 chakras in human body and their significance

Chakra 1 or the ‘root chakra‘ is related to kidneys and adrenal. The main endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the adrenal gland.

Chakra 2 or the ‘sacral chakra’ is in the sex centers and the glands are testes and ovaries.

Chakra 3 also known as the ‘solar plexus chakra’ is in the stomach area and here the pancreas dump their hormones.

Chakra 4 or the ‘heart chakra’ is in the heart area and the gland connected to this chakra is a thymus gland.

Chakra 5 or the ‘throat chakra’ is in the throat area and the glands connected to this chakra is the thyroid gland.

Chakra 6 or the ‘third eye chakra’ lies in-between the eyebrows, and this chakra is closely connected to the pituitary gland.

Chakra 7 or the ‘crown chakra’ is present at the top of the head, and it is associated with the pineal gland.

However, the names of the seven chakras mentioned above are not the original or authentic names of the chakras. The names mentioned above are mostly given by the western world for ease of remembrance. The original names have been mentioned below where we discuss in-depth about each of the seven chakras in human body and their significance.

Chakras and Aura

When we think about chakras, we often consider them or rather have the misconception that they are stand-alone entities. But in reality, these chakras are closely connected with the aura.

The aura can be described as the invisible manifestation of the field of spiritual energy that encircles the physical body of every living being.

There is basically a human body with different layers of the aura. On segregating the seven different layers, you will get to know that each chakra is connected to one of these layers.

Even though the layers are separated, these layers have a close interrelation to each other, and the distinguishing feature that differentiates one layer from another is the frequency at which it resonates. As you progress from layer 1 to layer 7, the frequency of each layer increases.

Given below is a table showing the summary of all the seven chakras in the human body.

Original NamePopular/ Westernised NameRepresentative ColorLocationElement
Muladhara ChakraRoot ChakraRedBase of spine (tailbone area)Earth
Swadishthana ChakraSacral ChakraOrangeLower AbdomenWater
Manipura ChakraSolar Plexus ChakraYellowUpper abdomen in the stomach areaFire
Anahata ChakraHeart ChakraGreenImmediately above the heartAir
Vishuddha ChakraThroat ChakraLight Blue/TurquoiseBase of throatMusic and sound
Ajna ChakraThird Eye ChakraPurple / indigoBetween the eyebrowsLight
Sahasrara ChakraCrown ChakraViolet/WhiteTop of the headDivine Consciousness
A summary of all the seven chakras.

Now, with this as a basic knowledge, let’s go ahead in this article and try to understand about each layer and chakra in detail. As already mentioned, we have mentioned the original and authentic names of the chakras below that has not been mentioned above.

Chakra 1 – Mooladhara

Let’s start with the first layer of the aura, which houses the first chakra. Now, the first layer is called an ‘etheric body’. Etheric comes from the word ‘ether’ which is described as the state between energy and matter. Etheric layer is an exact replica of your physical body but at an etheric level. So when a disease forms in the body, first it will start with imbalance in the etheric layer before it manifests in your physical body.

Now this first layer also includes the involuntary functions of your body through the central nervous system that includes breathing, digestion, excretion and the likes.

The first layer and also the chakra is represented by red color because it transmits and receives the red color spectrum of frequency. The first chakra is also called the ‘root chakra’ (original name: Mooladhara) because it’s connected with everything to do with your physical body, and it is located in-between the anal outlet and the sex organ.

The level of intelligence connected with this first layer is the subconscious mind, and the main function of your subconscious mind is data storage. So you can think of the subconscious mind like a hard drive for all your memories right from the day you are born to the current moment. Every single experience, the good and the painful, is stored here.

Especially, when a person experiences something traumatic in his/her life, even if that person doesn’t remember that experience consciously, those experiences get stored in the subconscious mind. This keeps impacting their daily life until they learn to communicate with their own subconscious mind to clear out those memories.

Since, the first chakra and the first layer has everything to do with the physical needs, one way to check if this chakra is open and balanced is to ask oneself: ‘Do I feel safe and secure in the world?’. If the answer is “No’, go ahead and try to explore the reason that stops you from feeling safe. Usually, it’s going to be the unconscious memories of shock or trauma and fear stored in the subconscious mind that prevents you from feeling safe.

To open and balance this chakra, you need to do the following:

  • Commit to heal these painful memories
  • Committing to overcome your fears

Chakra 2 – Swadhisthana

The second layer of the aura houses the second chakra. The second layer is also called the ’emotional body’ because this is the layer that processes all your emotions. The second layer and also the chakra is represented by an orange color because it transmits and receives an orange color spectrum of frequency.

The second chakra is also called ‘sacral chakra‘ (original name: Swadhisthana) because it lies close to the sacrum bone. It is located about 2 inches below the navel. Now the location of this chakra makes us aware of the fact that if there are any imbalances in the chakra, they will manifest in the form of malfunctions in the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs.

The second chakra also influences your interaction with others and all your relationships. It influences not only your relationship with your partner or lover or your sexual relation, but it is connected to all of your relationships. Be it a relationship with your mother, father, brother, sister, friend, family, social work, you name it. Every single relationship is recorded in this energy center.

The second layer is also called the ‘seat of addiction’. This is because when you have negative emotions like we just discussed, and you don’t actively work towards healing them, then these negative emotions gradually manifest themselves as addiction and this could be addiction for anything. It could be for food, for money, for sex, for power, for control, etc.

Since, the second chakra has everything to do with your feelings and emotions, a simple way to balance and open this chakra is through:

  • Committing to heal your relationships
  • Committing to clear your negative emotions

Chakra 3 – Manipuraka

The third layer of the aura houses the third chakra. The third layer is also called the mental body because this is related to mental focus, linear thinking and also your ability to manifest in the world.

The third layer and also the third chakra is represented by yellow color because it transmits and receives yellow color spectrum of the frequency.

The third chakra is also called ‘solar plexus chakra’ (original name: Manipuraka) because this chakra sits next to the set of nerves in the stomach area. It’s located in the upper abdomen and it energizes the digestive organs.

This layer contains beliefs and ideas but since we cannot see our thoughts, we don’t realize that even thoughts can have a life of their own, and also have a distinct shape, size and form.

This is the layer where you use the power of your thoughts to change your life. So this layer holds your personal power, your will and determination to manifest your dreams. This is also the layer that houses your discipline, self-esteem, concentration and of course decision-making skills.

Since the chakra has everything to do with your thinking, a nice way to balance and open this chakra is to understand your thoughts. Just like Edgar Casey said, “Thoughts are things”. Every single thing starts with the thought, and so you want to have mental discipline and really listen and take time to decide what thoughts you are going to entertain and which ones you are going to reject.

Chakra 4 – Anahata

The fourth layer of the aura houses the fourth chakra. The fourth layer is also called the ‘astral body’. This chakra and layer is represented by green color because it transmits and receives a green color spectrum of frequency.

The fourth chakra is called the ‘heart chakra’ (original name: Anahata) because it is located in the chest area. It is the chakra that enables us to form loving bonds with others. This layer is where feelings of joy and love exist.

This layer also acts like a bridge between your personality and the higher layers of the aura because once you start developing the fourth layer, this is when the spiritual energies start getting activated in your body, and now you are starting to move beyond your personality.

Now since, the fourth chakra and layer has everything to do with expressing and receiving love, it’s only possible when you clear the emotional pain. So when you are really committed to clearing emotional pain, what you are essentially doing is that you are taking the negative emotions out of the second layer, and you are transmitting them through love and forgiveness which are the hallmarks of this fourth layer.

Chakra 5 – Vishudhi

The fifth layer of the aura houses the fifth chakra. This layer is also called ‘archetypal body‘. Archetypal meaning archetype or prototype of something.

The fifth layer and also the chakra is represented by blue color because it transmits and receives a blue color spectrum of frequency. The fifth chakra is also called the ‘throat chakra’ (original name: Vishudhi) because it is connected to speech. It is about practising spirituality through communication.

When you start working with this layer and if at all you hold back your communication, this will create energy blocks and health problems in the area of the throat, mouth and sinuses. This layer is connected to speech and communication and a lot of times, it is called the sound body.

Since, this chakra and layer has everything to do with your communication and power to speak things out in reality and about things that are real, so a way to balance and open this chakra is ‘Say what you mean and mean what you say’ meaning that when you are choosing words to communicate with another person, they should really represent who you are.

Chakra 6 – Ajna

The sixth layer of the aura houses the sixth chakra. The sixth chakra is also called the ‘angelic body’.

This layer and chakra are represented by indigo color because it transmits and receives indigo color spectrum of frequency.

The sixth layer is also called the ‘third eye chakra’ (original name: Ajna) because it’s located right between your eyebrows. The typical attribute of this layer is that it’s connected with a higher quality of love where you can feel the love of a lifetime, and it’s much beyond what we as humans think of love.

Another attribute of this chakra and layer is higher senses innervation site clarity, and it’s also connected with intuition.

Chakra 7 – Sahasrara

Finally, the seventh layer of the aura houses the seventh chakra. This layer is called ‘cathedral body’.

The seventh layer and chakra is represented by pale violet color because it transmits and receives a pale violet color spectrum of frequencies.

The seventh chakra is called the ‘crown chakra’ (original name: Sahasrara) because it’s located at the top of the head. When you start working with this layer, you will start connecting with the mind of planet earth because this layer represents planetary function.

This layer represents liberation from karma and you no longer have to incarnate on this planet, that is, you are free of karma, free of incarnation, and you are free to fly away.


We know that plenty of information has been shared in this article. It may feel confusing at first, but this is all the information about the 7 chakras you needed.

If you want to know the process to balance the chakras, you can click here.

Hope you liked this article about the 7 chakras for beginners and their meanings. If you liked it, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

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