7 Types Of Reiki Healing To Improve Balance, Happiness, Love And More In Life

Have you heard about Reiki Healing but didn’t find out how many Types Of Reiki Healing actually exist in the world?

If this is the case, I am going to break down their types, what are the benefits behind them, from where they originated, and more.

So, let’s get started NOW.

What is Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is an alternative therapy that’s used to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to a person by a practitioner.

They channel a universal life force energy to support the person’s body’s natural ability to heal.

In simple terms, the practitioner uses their hands to help others relax and feel better. People with the use of Reiki Healing reduce their stress, ease pain, and improve overall well-being.

Well, Reiki Healing has many forms but to know exactly which specific type of therapy is for you, you must know about them as each one has different uses and origins.

How Many Types Of Reiki Healing And Their Benefits

In today’s world, there are various kinds of Reiki Healing, and each one has specific rules, theories, benefits, and the origin from where they came.

Here is a list of some of the important and influential healing practices:

1. Usui Reiki

It’s also called Usui or Usui Shiki Ryoho. The reason I placed it at the beginning is Usui Reiki is the traditional and foundational form of Reiki healing.

It was developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk, in the early 20th century.

Further, Practitioners of Usui Reiki are trained to channel this universal life energy by placing their hands on or near a person’s body.

The primary goal of this therapy is to balance and harmonize the recipient’s energy, as when a person’s energy is balanced, they experience improved health and well-being.

The benefit of Usui Reiki Healing

  • Induce deep relaxation, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm.
  • Relief from physical pain and discomfort after Reiki sessions.
  • It may help with emotional healing by addressing issues like anxiety, depression, and grief.
  • Balance and harmonize the body’s energy,

2. Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki is a modern or advanced form of Reiki healing that originated in the 1990s and was developed by William Lee Rand, an experienced Reiki master and teacher.

The word “Karuna” in Sanskrit means “compassion,”; therefore, this form of Reiki stands on compassion and the intention to heal deeply.

Karuna Reiki not only focuses on physical but also emotional and spiritual aspects of healing. Its practitioners work with additional symbols compared to traditional Usui Reiki.

Benefits of Karuna Reiki Healing

  • Address deep-seated emotional issues and past traumas.
  • It is a path to spiritual growth and personal transformation.
  • This practice emphasizes compassion and loving-kindness.
  • Help to balance and align the energy centers in the body

3. Crystal Reiki

As it sounds, Crystal Reiki is a holistic healing practice that combines traditional Reiki principles with the use of crystals and gemstones.

During sessions, Practitioners use various kinds of crystals to place on or near the recipient’s body such that each crystal has its unique energy and healing properties.

They can help balance the Chakras (energy centers in the body) and clear energy blockages.

The exact origin of Crystal Reiki is not well known, but you can ensure that It emerged in the late 20th century.

Benefits of Crystal Reiki Healing

  • Enhance the healing power of traditional Reiki.
  • Balance and align energy centers called Chakras.
  • Help reduce stress and tension.
  • Focus on addressing emotional issues, such as anxiety, grief, or trauma.

4. Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a form of healing that involves the principles of traditional Reiki with the healing power of angels and higher spiritual beings.

It was developed in the early 2000s by Kevin Core, a Reiki master teacher, and Christine Core.

Angelic Reiki practitioners heal the recipient’s body in the presence and help of angels, archangels, and other celestial beings.

During an Angelic Reiki session, practitioners set specific healing intentions with the help of angels. These intentions may address physical, emotional, spiritual, or other issues that a person wants to get rid of.

Benefits of Angelic Reiki Healing

  • Address not only physical but also emotional and spiritual aspects of healing.
  • Useful for Self-discovery and Personal Development.
  • Release negative emotions, trauma, and pent-up feelings.

5. Animal Reiki

It’s a branch of Reiki healing that specifically focuses on providing healing and relaxation to animals.

Practitioners of animal reiki use the traditional principles but adapt to the unique needs and sensitivities of animals.

This healing method doesn’t involve any usage of physical substances to not make animals feel uncomfortable.

As animal reiki doesn’t have any specific rules that match traditional reiki, Its origins are not as well-documented as human Reiki

But, I can say that it can be traced back to the late 20th century when people began applying Reiki techniques to animals.

Benefits Of Animal Reiki Healing

  • Reduce stress and anxiety in animals.
  • Address the emotional issue in animals.
  • Used as a form of palliative care for animals.
  • Fix animals’ behavior issues, such as aggression, and excessive barking.

6. Seichem Reiki

Seichem Reiki or Sekhem Reiki is a healing practice related to the traditional Usui Reiki but also includes some additional healing energies and symbols.

It is considered a more powerful form of energy healing with ancient Egyptian roots.

Seichem Reiki combines many healing energies including Usui Reiki, Seichem (Sekhem), Sophi-El, and Angelic Light.

As it’s associated with ancient Egypt, It’s believed that Seichem Reiki was practiced in the temples of Egypt thousands of years ago. A person named Patrick Zeigler reintroduced it to the modern world in the last 20th century.

Sometimes practitioners call it as “Four Elemental Healing Rays” because it has four elements including:

  • Reiki (Earth): The traditional Usui Reiki energy, related to the physical body.
  • Seichem (Water): This is the emotional healing energy.
  • Sophi-El (Fire): Sophi-El is called the energy of heart.
  • Angelic Light (Air): Angelic Light energy is linked with spiritual connection.

Benefits Of Seichem Reiki Healing

  • Heal the physical body, emotions, love, and spiritual connection.
  • Release emotional blockages, trauma, and negative patterns.
  • Help individuals connect with inner wisdom and spiritual guides.
  • Help improve overall energy flow and vitality.

7. Jikiden Reiki

Lastly, we have Jikiden Reiki Healing, where practitioners use a traditional Japanese healing practice that uses hands-on techniques to promote relaxation and support physical and emotional well-being.

Its practices go in a way that a practitioner places their hands on the recipient’s body to channel healing energy. Eventually, it balances and harmonizes the body’s natural energy flow.

Further, Jikiden Reiki has its origins in Japan, which began with Mikao Usui, who is considered the founder of Reiki.

However, The specific lineage of Jikiden Reiki is similar to Chujiro Hayashi, Chiyoko Yamaguchi, and Tadao Yamaguchi, who preserved and transmitted the teachings traditionally and directly.

As for the benefits of Jikiden Reiki, supporters claim that it can:

  • Reduce stress and induce a deep state of relaxation
  • Balance energy and remove blockages to enhance the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Enhance mental clarity and emotional balance after sessions.
  • It’s a complementary therapy to reduce pain and discomfort.


I hope you have taken the information out of this guide you wanted to before.

Overall, The essence of Reiki Healing is that it can transform your whole life from relationship, happiness, and love and brings a lot of joy by ruining stress, anxiety, pain, and many negative things.

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