What is Holy Fire Reiki | Holy Fire Reiki Explained 2024

Hello readers, welcome to thetranquilmonk.com. In this article, we will get to know about holy fire reiki, the process of holy fire reiki and also the benefits of holy fire reiki. You will get a holistic knowledge about what is holy fire reiki in this article and also the key differences of holy fire reiki with usui reiki.

Before starting this article, if you want to know more about reiki healing, then please click here.

So, let’s start this article and its main agenda.

What is Holy Fire Reiki ?

Holy fire reiki was introduced to the world by William Lee Rand, the founder of The International Center for Reiki Training in 2014.

Holy Fire Reiki is a form of Reiki that has made its progress from the Usui Reiki and deals with higher energy levels than the traditional Reiki. It can be said to be a conconction of the traditional Usui reiki and the evolved form of contemporary Reiki and has newer forms of energy.

Versions of Holy Fire Reiki

You can find the essence of Holy fire reiki in different versions. Each version has a Roman suffix added at the end of the word “Holy Fire Reiki”. The increasing number indicates a more ‘upgraded version’ of the Holy Fire Reiki. The upgraded versions of Holy Fire Reiki are comparable to upgraded versions of mobile apps or computer softwares that offer some added features or security with each released version. Presently, the Holy Fire Reiki III is the most advanced   

Process of Holy Fire Reiki

The process of performing holy fire reiki is very simple. A standard process has to be followed, that is, to do guided meditation, followed by the energy coming down to all within the group and that includes holy fire reiki master as well. So, this would be a wonderful way of experiencing holy fire reiki.

Because the whole group can experience holy fire reiki, it doesn’t mean that it is less powerful than the normal one. So that’s definitely a good way of experiencing reiki and a powerful way as well, despite being so simple and easy to deliver.

Attunement Process

If you are familiar with reiki or if you have already experienced it in your life, you will know exactly what attunement is. But if you don’t, then you will wonder what is attunement. So, we will give a brief introduction to what attunement is.

If you imagine an old-fashioned radio set, the type of thing where you have got a dial, and you have to turn it around so that the dial goes across and eventually you reach the desired radio station. When you are able to do so successfully, you have tuned in to that station, and you can hear the music or sound clearly on the radio.

A reiki attunement follows the same kind of principle. Reiki energy surrounds us all the time. It’s not until we’re actually tuned to it in the same way as we tune a radio, that we can suddenly tap into this energy and can use it for healing and helping people. So, that’s what attunement is. When you learn reiki for the first time, then you will receive this attunement process.

Holy Fire Reiki Attunement Process

The traditional way in which attunement works is that the reiki master will go to you individually and perform the process. Subsequently, they will go to each of the other persons in the class individually and perform the same process.

But, in holy fire reiki, a whole group of people in a room can have that attunement process done at the same time. In actual fact, this process of attunement in holy fire reiki is denoted as placement. But the same goal is achieved. The people within that room is attuned in a group.

So, it’s still Usui reiki, but it’s delivered via the holy fire reiki mechanism.

So that’s how the attunement process works. Besides working for reiki level 1, this same process works for reiki level 2 and the reiki master level also.

Holy Fire Reiki Master Level

Now, we will give a brief description of the holy fire reiki master level. The attunemnet process for holy fire reiki is known as ignition. Ignitions work in the exact same sort of principle as placements.

Once the ignition process has been kicked off, the energy comes down directly from the infinite source of energy to everyone present in the room or the group of students who are learning holy fire reiki at the master level.

It’s again a simple process. The process starts off with a brief session of guided meditation which lasts for 2 to 3 minutes. This process prepares the student to become ready for receving the energy and also helps him get into the right frame of mind. Then, the energy is delivered directly from the infinite source of energy .

This is an incredibly simple, yet a very powerful and effective technique. In holy fire reiki master level, four separate ignitions are usually imparted to the students.

Usui Reiki vs. Holy Fire Reiki

A question that is asked quite frequently is what makes holy fire reiki different from normal reiki?

People often tend to explore the added advantages that this different form of reiki, known as holy fire reiki, has to offer over the normal and conventional reiki healing process that is being followed over the years. We will be discussing about this topic further in this article.

Reiki masters come across different forms of reiki in their reiki journey. They often confront the question asking them the difference between the different forms of reiki. They commonly respond to this question in terms of energy levels involved and the variation in energy frequency for the different forms of reiki.

However, for holy fire reiki, the distinctions are a bit complicated and we will discuss it in details in the upcoming sections.

The first idea that makes holy fire reiki different is the fact that a holy fire reiki master can do reiki for a group of people simultaneously. The way of doing this is called the holy fire reiki experience. The way in which the holy fire reiki experience works is that if the reiki master is performing holy fire reiki, then everybody present in the room will receive the reiki energy if they want to do so.

Another difference is that when the reiki master is doing the session for people, then the reiki energy comes directly from the infinite source of energy, that is believed by many to be a form of God/Goddess. So it’s coming down to the group from the infinite source, rather than reiki energy flowing through the body as an individual. It is again a subtle but important difference.

The energy that is coming to all the people of the group is the purest kind of energy they can receive. It’s the cleanest form of energy because it is coming directly from the infinite source rather than through the reiki master. It is the energy that is pitched exactly at the right level for those individuals.

The most prominent differences between these 2 form of Reiki can be summarized as under:

Usui ReikiHoly Fire Reiki
Process NameAttunementIgnition / Placement
Way of Transferring EnergyEnergy flows into the student through the teacherEnergy flows into the student directly from the ‘source’
Level of energy activation in energy bodyLevel of soulLevel of spirit
SymbolsUsual Usui Reiki symbolsUsui Reiki Symbols + 1 additional symbol known as Holy Fire Reiki master symbol
Prominent differences between Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki

Benefits of Holy Fire Reiki

At last, we will discuss the benefits of holy fire reiki. Some of the benefits of holy fire reiki are:

  • It is very powerful and energetic. It does fast and deep healing in such a way that you will get better results in very minimal healing.
  • This variation of reiki has several methods and shortcuts and it is able to deliver great results in less time. Therefore, it is suitable for working professionals and also those type of people who do not have much time to invest.
  • Holy fire reiki heals from the roots.
  • Some people feel shy about performing reiki in front of their family members or relatives. But, in holy fire reiki, some methods are such that you can do healing in front of everyone without letting them know about it.

So, these were some of the benefits of holy fire reiki.


There are however a few controversies regarding Holy Fire Reiki. According to the reviews by some practitioners of Holy Fire Reiki, it is just a ‘repackaged’ version of a form of Reiki that already existed earlier, known as the ‘Karuna Reiki’. Also, people who had already paid for becoming Karuna Reiki masters had to pay for the entire course fee for becoming Holy Fire Reiki masters. According to some section of Reiki masters, this was criticized to be an unfair practice.


So, let’s end this article here. I hope you have understood all the knowledge about holy fire reiki. If you liked it, then please do not forget to share it with others who are interested in this art.

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