What is Mirror Shielding? | Mirror Shielding Technique Explained

Dear Readers, In this article we will introduce you to the concept of what is mirror shielding and then take you through to more details, like the benefits of mirror shielding and the process in which you can use mirror shielding technique. Mirror shielding is used in a diverse range of healing practices, but is more prevalently used by Reiki practitioners and they also refer to this technique as reiki mirror shielding. We have used these two terms interchangeably in this article.

So, let’s start.

Introduction to Mirror Shielding

Protecting our energies in a constantly ‘energy-based’ world is very important. A world that continually deals with the negatives and the positives of energies has to have some boundaries to stay healthy. But is it really possible? This is where mirror shielding steps in. We, as human beings, are exposed to several types of energies. Some influences can leave us drained, exhausted, and extremely tired. To counter these influences, we have to protect ourselves from them. 

One such method is mirror shielding. Coming from the roots of Japanese culture, reiki is a widely spread practice. It is a technique to harness the universal power of life force energy. Reiki practitioners try such techniques to lessen the traumas, emotional stress, and mental imbalance. They use it to heal a human being while making the person feel much relieved and better. The benefits of reiki mirror shielding are endless. But before we talk about that, we will understand the entire concept. In this blog, we will explore its meaning, applications, benefits and more. So, read ahead to enlighten yourself!

Understanding energies and the role of Reiki mirror shielding

Energy is a fundamental and pervasive concept in the realm of the reiki world. It is said to be an essential force for the living of human beings. The ‘Ki’ in reiki is the representation of ‘prana’ in Sanskrit, which means life and essence of our existence. Reiki practitioners have a belief that an imbalance or damage in this particular thing can create a mental disturbance, emotional stressors and physical harm. It can damage the spiritual being of an individual. Therefore, reiki especially focuses on harnessing and channeling the life force that heals and protects. It mainly focuses on protection and shielding. Resultantly, reiki is considered great for the reduction of stress, promotion of relaxation, and existence of well-being. 

On the other hand, all of us are affected by different energies on a daily basis. We interact with several beings on a daily or weekly basis. Some people even travel a lot during a week or a month. This also indicates regional energy changes. All of these can together affect a person’s moods and actions. The energies we all interact with have the complete potential to harm our energy fields. A lot of people complain of feeling drained and disturbed. This is also because of the interaction with different energies. The feelings of fatigue and anxiety can be forged out of these experiences. But a human can hardly realize it.

Reiki mirror shielding helps in safeguarding our energy fields. It helps in creating a barrier against the unwanted energy forces. It helps build strong energy fields to avoid being vulnerable to any type of energy. Without the protection, one can have a compromised state of health and well-being. 

What is Mirror Shielding?

Mirror Shielding is a specialized energy protection technique rooted in the ancient healing art of reiki. It is designed to create a potent shield around the practitioner. All of this is done while warding off negative energies and maintaining a harmonious energy field around the individual. This technique draws from the spiritual principles and practices of reiki, which makes it a valuable addition to energy protection methods.

The name ‘mirror shielding’ is derived from the symbolism of mirrors. Mirrors reflect the images they receive. In reiki mirror shielding, the word ‘mirror’ represents this quality of reflecting back by this process and creating a peaceful barrier around the practitioner. It basically represents a boundary that protects you from negative energies. 

Benefits of mirror shielding

  1. The first and foremost benefit of mirror shielding is protection. Mirror shielding is designed to protect and safeguard. It is designed to secure a person from any negative energy.
  2. The second benefit of mirror shielding is emotional stability. The energy field in reiki mirror shields brings an emotional balance in individuals. 
  3. Mental clarity is the third benefit of mirror shielding. Clearance of negative energies gives a mental clarification to the individuals practicing reiki mirror shielding.
  4. The fourth benefit of mirror shielding is energetic balance. Reiki mirror shielding helps maintain a balanced energy system. It helps in preventing energy depletion or decrease. 
  5. Reiki mirror shielding helps in fostering self-awareness and mindfulness, which allows for a deeper understanding of one’s energy and boundaries.
  6. Another benefit of mirror shielding is the reduction of stress. The practitioner feels relaxed and calm when practicing reiki mirror shielding. 
  7. Furthermore, mirror shielding also promotes holistic healing. It clears a human being spiritually. 
  8. Mirror shielding supports long-term good health in terms of physical and mental health. It also supports emotional and spiritual well-being. 
  9. It strengthens the boundary of positive energy fields around a person. It develops a sense of positivity in an individual. 

Step-by-step guide to protecting yourself with reiki mirror shielding:

  1. Preparing with grounding yourself: Find a quiet and comfortable place. Prepare yourself with grounding by taking deep breaths and focusing on the Earth. 
  2. Invoking reiki energy: Make a call on reiki by invoking the reiki energy and focusing on it entirely. 
  3. Mirror Shield: Create the mirror shield by visualising a mirror-like shield around your entire body. 
  4. Set the right intentions: Affirm your intentions with positivity and keep track of what you want out of the process continuously.  
  5. Maintenance: Maintain energy and visualization throughout the process. 

Reiki mirror shielding is a highly effective spiritual protection method. Its effects can result in a good time. Being demotivated with lesser results, in the beginning is not how reiki brings changes to an individual. An individual has to constantly practice reiki to master the outcome. 


Reiki mirror shielding is one of the Japanese protection and healing practices. It is a part of the parent category “reiki healing”. The article shares various benefits of reiki healing along with its meaning and process. It clears out on what mirror shielding actually is. 

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