What is Reiki Healing and how does it work | Basic to advanced

Hello readers, welcome to the new article of thetranquilmonk.com. In this article, we will try to understand Reiki. You will get complete basic and advanced knowledge of what is Reiki healing and how it works, in this article.

So, let’s start with the main agenda of this article, i.e. Reiki.

Introduction to Reiki

In the whole universe, our inner life, our outer life, our environment, and everything near us work from energy and are energies; like positive and negative energies.

Our body contains more than 72,000 energy channels, which balance our chakras. Out of these more than 72,000 energy channels, there are 108 important meditative points. There are 7 crucial Chakras that we have read till today. These are:

  1. The Root chakra 
  2. The Sacral chakra 
  3. The Solar plexus chakra 
  4. The Heart chakra
  5. The Throat chakra
  6. The Third eye chakra and 
  7. The Crown chakra. 

These energies balance your chakras and aura.

To know more about the 7 Chakras, click here.

Reiki energy helps with life-related problems, career-related problems, health-related problems, and problems related to personal life.

What is Reiki Healing and its Origin

You might have heard that Lord Gautam Buddha used to perform a process known as touch healing. The people who lived at that time used to come to Lord Buddha if they had any problems. Through touch healing, the disease or problem was cured in a very short time. So, it is the same healing therapy – Reiki therapy.

It was reinvented in 1904 by a Japanese spiritual person named Dr. Mikao Usui. The right concept and process of Reiki, the principles of Reiki, and the rules and regulations a Reiki healer has to follow, were invented by him. He also developed unique and powerful symbols in Reiki (like Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho, and Sei Hei Ki). These symbols are scientifically proven.

Through Reiki, we can balance our emotions, as well as remove physical stress and pain. If a healer draws these symbols through proper rules and regulations over someone’s body or anywhere else, the negative energies present will be healed completely. Negative energy will repel out, and positive energy will get attracted. So there are numerous benefits of reiki healing.

How does the Reiki healing process work

Reiki has a proper process in which one can connect through those symbols. The inner and outer sources of energy (universal life force energy) are connected by a path or connections by Reiki.

So, whenever the healer does the healing for you or for himself, then it’s connected with the help of symbols. With the use of symbols, they connect with energy and the problems you have (whether they’re health-related or anything). The healer prays to resolve the issue through a specific process.

Reiki Healing Experience

In the journey of gaining knowledge about Reiki, you will get to know about experiential knowledge and experiential results. Because it is believed that one will not believe until seen with one’s own eyes. Once you start your journey with Reiki, you will personally experience the changes using this wonderful process.

Getting a blessing is also one of the ways. The blessings we get from our elders, teachers, and saints are also through palms. The energy from the blessings is so powerful that most of your mental imbalances and problems get resolved at the moment.

Therefore, Reiki is also a way through which one can connect his/her inner energies with the superior energies to make their own life easier, calmer, and more peaceful with fewer obstacles. Some obstacles we have in our lives give us problems. We can heal them through Reiki.

Benefits of Reiki Healing

Reiki has broader prospects that is not only related to health but has benefits for all prospects. There are major results in health. There are many reiki healers who have healed COVID patients, cancer patients and coma patients.

Once, in a YouTube video, a boy claimed that his mother’s throat cancer was cured by reiki therapy within 3 months. Now, he says that his mother is 100% fine and doing great.

Not only health, but also career-related problems, personal problems, and financial problems are healed with the help of reiki. Career growth problems and all the problems of the universe can be healed by Reiki. All the imbalances and negative problems near you can be healed by Reiki.

Reiki heals problems from roots. It takes time because it is crucial to heal from the roots. In fact, it is a key point for Reiki that a temporary solution is not the solution. If you are getting Reiki done, it is not a solution for just 1 or 2 weeks. Instead, it is a solution for a lifetime. If there is a specific problem, then Reiki removes the problem from its roots.


So guys, let’s end this article here. In the article, we got to know about what is Reiki healing. Basically, Reiki is touch healing. If any particular part of your body is injured, then the reiki therapist or reiki master will conduct a reiki session over that particular part of your body and will heal you through their touch.

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